A special place

"If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, it is a special place where I spend my afternoon."

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A "Quickie"

   For anyone that read the post about the "Parade of Lights" in Carrabelle, you might remember that I mentioned the fact that Carrabelle also boasts having the smallest police station in the world. Well, I wasn't kidding and here it is. It sits on the main drag in the middle of town for easy access.
World's Smallest Police Station
                                                     This should tell you something about the level of crime in this area!  


  1. Interesting. Do they have a vehicle? Enjoy your post.

    1. They have one car, a few boats, but the everyday patrol is done with bicycles and on foot.
